I’m back from Berlin (amazing city), and the Aphex Twin mashups that I promised are now posted for free download. Ever wanted to hear Snoop Dogg over RDJ’s production? Now you can:
I’m spinning at Continental tonight (St. Marks and 3rd Ave, NY
), then Ryan and I have a show at Midway opening for High Priest of Anti Pop Consortium. Props to Domer.
Saturday, November 10 – Club Midway – 25 Ave B, NY
– $7
One last thing: who the hell does Steve Jobs think he is? Since when does Apple get the right to redefine alphabetical order? One of the recent iPod updates causes artist names that begin with numbers to appear at the end of lists instead of the beginning. Of course, this confused the shit out of people who weren’t expecting this random change, and affects me directly. Jobs, I love your hardware (no homo), but give me a fucking break.